StoryWizard – Create Captivating Stories With AI

Children’s stories have largely remained the same ever since we were kids. We have the same classics that our parents read to us and that we now read to our own children.

While there is beauty in that and immense nostalgia, don’t you think with changing times, we should have newer stories? 

If you’re either a parent looking for new and exciting stories to tell your children at bedtime, a teacher who wants to make their class more fun, or a children’s author, this AI tool is for you. I’m going to introduce you to something that is going to change your life – StoryWizard

What Is StoryWizard?

StoryWizard is an online artificial intelligence-powered tool that can create captivating stories to amuse young minds. It creates personalized stories for its young readers, complete with stunning illustrations. Providing a fun and totally enjoyable learning environment. 

This tool can revolutionize how we provide education to our children. Stories aren’t just for leisure, they can be essential for learning if you create them diligently.

You can teach children just about anything from the stories, whether that includes ethics, life lessons, how to manage their emotions and relationships, independence, a sense of self, and so much more. In the fictional world of stories, the possibilities are truly endless. 

StoryWizard Features

StoryWizard has been developed with an enticing mix of features that I have mentioned below. 

Tailored Stories

Storywizard can curate stories for each individual young reader in a matter of minutes. You can control the curation by specifying your personal needs. Perhaps you are a parent trying to teach their child about the concept of sharing so you can get a curated story that consists of the moral lesson of sharing.

We can additionally customize even the nitty-gritty details like the tense used, level of vocabulary, and English proficiency level. With these features, you can customize the story to be comprehensible for a child of each age, as it will match their cognitive abilities and language skills.

Automatic Filtering For Child Safety

Any content that would not be inappropriate for children is immediately detected and removed by their advanced algorithms. Ensuring that your children have the safest and only the best experience. 

Create Assignments and Track Progress

Some children learn better with hands-on activities, and to facilitate them, you can create engaging assignments and tasks. You can additionally track their progress and positively reinforce them with rewards so that they remain steadfast towards the end goal.

Teachers are supposed to take the whole class of children with different learning styles forward together. With the addition of reward-based assignments, the teacher is successfully achieving that. 

Story Illustrations

Storywizard AI can create stunning illustrations that go along with the storyline. Moreover, you can even customize the illustrations.

Use your own photos and have them transform into illustrations. Wouldn’t it be magical as a parent to have a storybook with characters adapted from real-life versions of your family in an animated form? It would be a truly memorable experience for your child as well.

Pricing For StoryWizard

Storywizard understands its diverse usage, which caters to families, educational institutions, and professional children’s authors. Plus, it offers multiple plans. 

Family Plans

StoryWizard Family Pricing

Family plans start from a mere $10, and go up to $30. These plans include essential features like creating illustrations from your own photos, sharing your stories with other people, and downloading stories in PDF format.

Schools and Teachers Plan

StoryWizard Schools and Teachers Pricing

The platform has additional benefits as compared to the family plan. These include creating tasks and assignments and their tracking and easy access for students even without asking for email or passwords. The pricing for this is different from the Family Plan, as seen in the above image.

Bottom Line

Whether you’re a teacher or a parent, if you’re serious about an innovative way of learning for children through fascinating stories. Then purchasing StoryWizard is a well worth it investment. In the formative years of your childhood, your imagination runs wild.

You can allow it to flourish with the use of compelling and educating stories. Thus, I would strongly recommend Story Wizard. 

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