Craftly AI: A Revolutionary Tool For Copywriters

Craftly AI is another writing tool in the arsenal of countless tools out there that cater to copywriters, marketers, bloggers, and other professionals out there – though there’s a lot that they’re providing that their competitors currently don’t.

Users on the internet have praised the easy learning curve of this writing tool and how they’ve been able to create compelling written content in a matter of minutes with this tool. 

Seeing how it’s getting a lot of traction on the web, I decided to go in a bit deeper than usual, try Craftly out for myself, and see what the fuss is all about. Make sure to read till the end and find out everything you need to know about Craftly AI!

Exploring Craftly AI

Craftly AI is an innovatively new addition to the world of AI story generators and has already racked up reviews from company CEOs that you see in Fortune 500 magazines.

Yep, this embellishing platform seems to know it all and, quite frankly, has been doing amazing things for entrepreneurial teams out there.

The team behind Craftly AI trained the AI with a different dataset and is currently trained on 10k+ hours of expertly written content on the internet. The AI, in its currency state, uses this dataset to base the content it comes up with, which is the reason why content created with Craftly AI sounds more human and genuine than others.

The Best Features of Craftly AI

There are a lot of reasons why Craftly AI has become the go-to tool for users on the internet, and one of those reasons is the immense amount of features it provides. Though this guide is too short to include them all, here’s a rough overview of what they’re offering:

100+ Frameworks

Whether you want to write a detailed blog or create the next hit LinkedIn post for your professional circle, Craftly AI probably has a framework for that. There are more than 100 different frameworks, which include blog writing, emails, captions, posts, and more to choose from, and the AI creates content for each one differently.

A Collaborative Space For Teams

Whether you want to work as an individual or use Craftly AI as a team, the tool morphs itself into each of the mentioned use cases. For teams, Craftly AI offers a collaborative space where business owners can integrate their teams and make the whole process seamless and painless.

In addition, this collaborative space is also what makes scaling up much easier than without it since you’ve got all your tools, documents, and other assets in one single platform.

Various Languages to Choose From

Unlike most other tools that are only proficient in English, Craftly AI takes it up a step and lets content creators in 25 different languages create content on the go. Say goodbye to writer’s block in every single language – Craftly AI lets you create a boatload of content, regardless of the language you’re in or the region you live in.

Should You Buy Craftly AI In 2023?

CraftlyAI Pricing

Craftly AI isn’t just another writing tool; it’s a game-changer for copywriters, marketers, and bloggers. Unlike its competitors, Craftly offers an easy learning curve and empowers you to craft compelling content in minutes. 

As for their pricing, they’ve got a total of 3 plans, which are described as follows:

  • Starter Plan ($29/month) – 100+ frameworks, 20,000-word generation cap, 25+ languages, and live support
  • Crafter Plan ($66/month) – Everything in the starter plan, along with long-form tools, document drive, collaboration features, and more
  • Enterprise Plan (Custom) – Full-scale access for big businesses and enterprises, with on-demand collaborative features, team spaces, and more.

What’s great about them is that this platform offers a 5-day free trial for people who want a taste of what Craftly is all about. However, in my own experience, people who hop on the free trial are bound to buy the tool because of the value it provides in the context of the minute investment you’re making.

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