ChatGPT: A Tipping Point For Artificial Intelligence?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll have heard of ChatGPT, the revolutionary AI tool that was launched back in November 2022 and has been changing lives, professions, and the way we look at Artificial Intelligence.

The company that developed ChatGPT, along with a series of other AI applications in the generative art space, has been the pinpoint of technology headlines ever since its release and has people on two extremes of perspective – the positive one being that AI is now helping people be 100x more productive, and the negative one being that these technologies might start putting people out of jobs.

Curious already? Make sure to read this guide till the end and find out everything you need to know about this revolutionary AI tool!

ChatGPT For Dummies

ChatGPT is what techies call a large-language model, which, in easy terms, is a system/algorithm that is trained on large amounts of language-based data. 

Books, articles, studies – millions and millions of gigabits of data have been used to train this algorithm and presented in an easy-to-use interface that contains a prompt box for users to drop their queries and a text area where the algorithm answers.

The people at OpenAI that train AI models like these play both sides during the process, which is the main reason why you’ll often find it hard when prompted with ChatGPT, and it’s almost like a human is speaking back to you, answering every single question you have.  

How Is This Tool Beneficial?

In my experience of using ChatGPT, I think that this tool caters to a large user base and genuinely adds to their productivity and workflow optimization. Some benefits associated with this AI tool are summarized as follows:

  • ChatGPT is getting increasingly accurate: Since the tool is being trained on new data, and a large amount of that, regularly, it’s becoming more and more accurate, whipping up fact-checked information that is backed up by studies, articles, blogs, and more.
  • Supports multiple languages: The best thing about ChatGPT is that it isn’t limited to a single language but allows users of any language to talk to it without having to learn English. So far, I’ve tried French, Arabic, Italian, Roman Urdu, and various others, and I’ve gotten pitch-perfect responses!
  • Increases productivity by miles: Need some ideas for your next hit blog? Use ChatGPT! Need some coding tutorials but don’t want to watch hour-long videos on Youtube? ChatGPT is your friend! From writers and marketers to developers and more, this tool allows users to increase their productivity. 

Limitations That Come With ChatGPT

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows with AI tools like ChatGPT, considering that AI is still in its infancy, and there’s still a long way to go until we can fully rely on AI to perform all the tasks we want it to do.

To start with, here are some limitations that come with ChatGPT:

  • The free version doesn’t have access to the internet: The free version of ChatGPT uses the GPT-3.5 model, which doesn’t have access to the internet. 
  • Might spew misinformation: Since ChatGPT uses pre-existing information to formulate arguments and provide answers, there might be times that it gives you misinformation. For example, if you ask it, “What Is Jasper AI”, it might give you irrelevant information since it doesn’t know what Jasper AI is.

Conclusion – Should You Use ChatGPT?

In my experience, ChatGPT is a tool that you should be using daily, regardless of what profession you’re in. Big businesses and individuals are using ChatGPT to create better workflows, increase their productivity, and do tasks more efficiently and faster, allowing them to get ahead of the game.

If you’re not doing the same, you might get stepped on by the sheer amount of people that are, especially in the world of modern AI, where there’s a new AI tool coming out every single day.

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